[leadusers] Problems with core Grid software LEAD uses

NOTE: The leadusers mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

HI Folks,

I just want to let you know that the underlying problems with the Grid
software (Globus) used by the LEAD project to leverage the TeraGrid,
continue to haunt us.  LEAD developers and our Teragrid and Globus partners
continue to work diligently to identify and resolve the problems.

I am now finding that 100% of my workflows are failing.

Please do feel free to continue to try workflows and more importantly to
test out other LEAD capabilities and report back to
support-lead@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (or simply use the Report Problems sub-tab
found under the Help tab in the LEAD portal).

Thanks for using LEAD and for helping us to make it better by reporting your 
problems and thoughts.

Best regards,

Tom Baltzer
Software Engineer
LEAD Project
UCAR Office of Programs
Unidata Program Center
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
E-mail: tbaltzer@xxxxxxxx
Phone: 303-497-8637

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