Portal Down Saturday April 28th

NOTE: The leadusers mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Hi All,

After a tiring spring we have decided to rest the LEAD Portals tomorrow.

There is a power outage tomorrow in the machine room where Data Capacitor is housed, Big Red is doubling its capacity and they are making some changes, we hope Data capacitor will not be affected other than tomorrow.

All production and development personal data controlled by mylead is stored on data capacitor, and development ldm data is also ingested onto it (production ldm and thredds are still on chinkapin so siege system should not be effected for pulling data from chinkapin). To avoid any problems with accessing my workspace or running workflows, we will bring down the portals during this downtime. The down time starts at midnight today (April 27th) and will be down for a good part of saturday, we will send out an email after we bring everything back up.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

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