Status of LEAD

NOTE: The leadusers mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Hi Folks,

Well we had quite an interesting week in our first week of supporting the 
WxChallenge.  Here are some notes that might interest you.

WRF numerical instabilities:  Quite a few of the runs around Rapid City have 
resulted in numerical instability in the WRF.  The team is looking into this 
and is wondering if it has to do with terrain around the location.  We have 
found that runs initialized using NAM (as opposed to ADAS) have been more 
stable.  So we recommend that you make use of the NAM initialized forecasts for 
your work.  Of course we'd love to hear about your results with either workflow 
- use the contact us link to let us know how it's going.

The Indiana software development group has put together a very nice page 
showing statistics for the WxChallenge parameters for all runs over the current 
WxChallenge site.  See them at:  
One important note is that many of the runs are not covering the range of 6Z to 
6Z needed for the contest.  It is very important that end users remember to set 
the Forecast Duration (dropdown menu on the Model Domain Configuration page of 
the Experiment Wizard) such that it covers 6Z to 6Z for the day of interest.

There have been issues with data not arriving at user's workspace in a timely fashion.  
These have been somewhat intermittent.  Please notify support-lead@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if 
you encounter such issues (available through the "Contact Us" link on the 

Thanks for using LEAD!


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