To Non-WXChallenge Lead Users

NOTE: The leadusers mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

LEAD Testers,

Firstly on behalf of the LEAD Team I want to express our appreciation for your time and co-operation in testing the LEAD system and helping us finally get into a production state for the weather challenge. All the bugs and feed back you provided really helped us to get here.

I also want to clarify that the testing phase is now over, LEAD is now in production for the weather challenge. While we will let you to hang on to your portal accounts for taking the early bruises as a lead user and on a honorary basis, please contact your adviser/supervisor on how you should use it from now on.

Unless you are one among the following list, until further notice, please *do not* submit any workflows from the portal, especially from 10am to 6pm EDT (or 14Z to 22Z). If you are not already part of the wxchallenge and would like to, then contact Richard Clark <Richard.Clark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> or Everette Joseph <ejoseph@xxxxxxxxxx>

Authorized Users:

FI : hdelima (Hector DeLima)
LS : mikest (Mike St. Laurent)
IS : flory02 (Dave Flory)
SL : wimberjc (Jacob Wimberly)
PS : synop2 (Eric Hoffman)
OU : pmarsh (Patrick Marsh), oulead (Dan Weber)
HU : dkbond84 (Daniel Bond)
MU : MUForeprac (Jen Vogt)

We need both reserved resources to juggle around, today we saw about 60 workflows submitted, which is way too higher than what we expected. Owing to resource constraints, we request your utmost co-operation in helping us make a timely submission of WRF results for the wxchallenge participants. So please do not submit any workflows in the specified time.

Thanks for your cooperation,
LEAD Portal Team

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