Re: Workflow errors

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Hi Tom,

This is not related to any forecast duration but there is a bug in teragrid proxy management software which is killing our jobs randomly after some time. With the help of NCSA sysadmins we are trying to work around that. We tried some solution last Thursday which seem to have fixed it but we started getting this again since yesterday evening. I am trying to diagnose this and compare it to failures before thursday, once we know more, we will contact teagrid software management team to fix this ASAP. Will email to this group once this is fixed.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Tom Baltzer wrote:
Hi Suresh,

I am getting these type errors with 24 hour 5km forecasts.  What type of
forecasts will avoid these errors?


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-leadusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-
leadusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Suresh Marru
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 7:12 PM
To: leadusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: iu-lead
Subject: Workflow errors

Hi All,

Hope you guys are having a good testing experience. As some of you might
have already noticed, some workflow fail when WRF runs longer and sends
an error message from the compute cluster which contains
" Error Code = 131", we know how to limit this
but we are not working around it so that we could reproduce it which
will help the cluster administrators nail this down. This is just FYI,
irrespective of this error please continue to test the portal and report
your feed back and problems. We will fix this problem ASAP so you could
have end to end testing experience again.

Sorry for the inconvenience ,

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