Hello again,
I need to make a small correction to the details of the *brfPrf* product,
see below:
*Example LDM pattern-action file action:*
EXP spireert/level2/bfrPrf/([0-9]{4}).([0-9]{3})/(bfrPrf.*_nc)
FILE -close -overwrite
should be changed to this:
*Example LDM pattern-action file action:*
EXP spireert/level2/bfrPrf/([0-9]{4}).([0-9]{3})/(bfrPrf.*_bufr)
FILE -close -overwrite
The only difference is the end of the file name for the pattern, _nc should
have been _bufr. Sorry about that!
*Mike Zuranski*
Data Engineer II
Unidata Program Center
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 10:55 AM Mike Zuranski <mzuranski@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Greetings,
> We are partnering with UCAR's COSMIC <https://cosmic.ucar.edu/> program
> to provide radio occlusion data provided by Spire Global
> <https://www.spire.com/>. We are planning on making these products
> available on the IDD beginning tomorrow morning (2/8/2023), data will be on
> the EXP feed with a typical volume of 80-110MB per hour.
> Here is a statement from COSMIC detailing these products, with additional
> information on how to access the data on the IDD below:
> The NOAA Commercial Data Program
> <https://www.space.commerce.gov/business-with-noaa/commercial-weather-data-pilot-cwdp/>
> Delivery Order 5 (DO5) implements unrestricted data rights for the radio
> occultation data processed by UCAR <https://www.ucar.edu> COSMIC
> <https://cosmic.ucar.edu>’s CDAAC
> <https://www.cosmic.ucar.edu/what-we-do/data-processing-center> in near
> real time, with the goal of making data products available to a wider
> audience. For DO5 Spire Global <https://www.spire.com> provides
> observation data from its satellite constellation for processing into
> higher level neutral atmosphere (about 3300 profiles/day) and ionosphere
> products. The DO5 data <https://data.cosmic.ucar.edu/gnss-ro/spire/noaa/>
> are made available on a next day basis at CDAAC and will now additionally
> be distributed via Unidata <https://www.unidata.ucar.edu>’s Internet Data
> Distribution (IDD) <https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/index.html#idd>
> service in near-real time. The available DO5 IDD products are:
> *1) Atmospheric profile without moisture information (atmPrf)*
> Full resolution profiles of physical parameters including bending angle,
> refractivity, dry pressure, dry temperature, impact parameter, etc. versus
> geometric height above mean sea level. Reference:
> https://cdaac-www.cosmic.ucar.edu/cdaac/cgi_bin/fileFormats.cgi?type=atmPrf
> .
> *2) Atmospheric occultation profile with moisture information included
> (wetPf2)*
> Atmospheric occultation profile with moisture information included. A
> gridded analysis or short-term forecast is used to separate the pressure,
> temperature and moisture contributions to refractivity. This file is
> interpolated to 100 meter height levels. References:
> https://cdaac-www.cosmic.ucar.edu/cdaac/cgi_bin/fileFormats.cgi?type=wetPf2
> and https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14215614.
> *3) WMO BUFR (bfrPrf)*
> A low resolution (200 meter) atmospheric profile in the BUFR format.
> Contains data taken from the atmPhs, atmPrf and wetPrf files, including:
> header information, occultation location and time; bending angle versus
> impact parameter profiles; refractivity versus mean sea level geometric
> height; pressure, temperature, and moisture versus geopotential height
> profiles. References:
> https://cdaac-www.cosmic.ucar.edu/cdaac/cgi_bin/fileFormats.cgi?type=bfrPrf
> and https://preop.romsaf.org/romsaf_bufr.pdf.
> *4) Absolute total electron content (podTec)*
> Absolute total electron content (TEC) and auxiliary data in netCDF format .
> Each file contains a TEC track data from one receiver-transmitter satellite
> pair. Reference:
> https://cdaac-www.cosmic.ucar.edu/cdaac/cgi_bin/fileFormats.cgi?type=podTec
> .
> *Details for accessing this data on the IDD:*
> These products will be added to the IDD EXP feed, with a typical data
> volume of 80-110MB per hour. You will need to configure your LDM to
> receive these products; sample Product IDs, REQUEST lines and PQACT entries
> are below:
> 1) atmPrf:
> *Example LDM/IDD Product ID:*
> spireert/level2/atmPrf/2023.031/atmPrf_S115.2023.031.17.59.G07_0001.0001_nc
> *Example LDM Configuration file REQUEST line:*
> REQUEST EXP “spireert/level2/atmPrf” *upstream_IDD_relay*
> *Example LDM pattern-action file action:*
> EXP spireert/level2/atmPrf/([0-9]{4}).([0-9]{3})/(atmPrf_.*_nc)
> FILE -close -overwrite
> /data/ldm/pub/native/COSMIC/spireert/atmPfr/\3
> 2) wetPf2:
> *Example LDM/IDD Product ID:*
> spireert/level2/wetPf2/2023.031/wetPf2_S115.2023.031.17.59.G07_0001.0001_nc
> *Example LDM Configuration file REQUEST line:*
> REQUEST EXP “spireert/level2/wetPf2” *upstream_IDD_relay*
> *Example LDM pattern-action file action:*
> EXP spireert/level2/wetPf2/([0-9]{4}).([0-9]{3})/(wetPf2.*_nc)
> FILE -close -overwrite
> /data/ldm/pub/native/COSMIC/spireert/wetPf2/\3
> 3) bfrPrf:
> *Example LDM/IDD Product ID:*
> spireert/level2/bfrPrf/2023.031/bfrPrf_S115.2023.031.17.59.G07_0001.0001_bufr
> *Example LDM Configuration file REQUEST line:*
> REQUEST EXP “spireert/level2/bfrPrf” *upstream_IDD_relay*
> *Example LDM pattern-action file action:*
> EXP spireert/level2/bfrPrf/([0-9]{4}).([0-9]{3})/(bfrPrf.*_nc)
> FILE -close -overwrite
> /data/ldm/pub/native/COSMIC/spireert/bfrPrf/\3
> 4) podTec:
> *Example LDM/IDD Product ID:*
> spireert/level1b/podTec/2023.031/podTec_S149.2023.
> *Example LDM Configuration file REQUEST line:*
> REQUEST EXP “spireert/level1b/podTec” *upstream_IDD_relay*
> *Example LDM pattern-action file action:*
> EXP spireert/level1b/podTec/([0-9]{4}).([0-9]{3})/(podTec.*_nc)
> FILE -close -overwrite
> /data/ldm/pub/native/COSMIC/spireert/podTec/\3
> OR, if you would like to request all four products on one REQUEST line:
> REQUEST EXP “spireert” *upstream_IDD_relay*
> If you need assistance in configuring your LDM, or have other
> questions/comments regarding the LDM or IDD, please contact
> support-idd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
> For additional information regarding the data, please contact COSMIC at
> cosmicops@xxxxxxxx.
> Best,
> -Mike
> *Mike Zuranski*
> Data Engineer II
> Unidata Program Center
> University Corporation for Atmospheric Research