[ldm-users] pqact(1) process being killed by SIGALRM

Hello LDM user,

A latent bug in LDM versions 6.13.11 and 6.13.12 is starting to terminate
pqact(1) processes due to delivery of the alarm signal, SIGALRM (signal
number 14 on Linux systems). The symptom of this is the abrupt termination
of the pqact(1) process and a message like the following in the LDM log

ldmd[48732]                 ldmd.c:reap:129     NOTE  child 48735
terminated by signal 14: pqact

This only occurs when the decoder to which pqact(1) is piping data takes at
least 60 seconds to read the data and the alarm signal is generated but not
delivered before being cancelled. This combination of events is rare, which
is why the bug has only now been spotted.

I'm working on a fix. In the meantime, you could revert to a
previous version of the LDM if this bug affects you.

Steve Emmerson
LDM developer
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