[ldm-users] partial files (based on bytes inserted) for f003 and f006 (GFS 0p50 & 1p00)

For only the 3 and 6 forecast hours, I am getting status files that never
show fully inserted model files. For example:

$ more 20190812_i12_f003_GFS003.status
> data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.20190812/12/gfs.t12z.pgrb2.1p00.f003 complete
> (28406326 bytes) at Mon Aug 12 15:27:36 2019
> Inserted *28352037 of 28406326*

Is this the expected behavior?  I'm not sure when it started happening, but
I think it was sometime in the last few months.  Prior to that we would get
status files showing the entire model file was inserted.

Here are the relevant lines from my pqact:

> ^.status.data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.([0-9]{8})/../gfs.t([0-9]{2})z.pgrb2.1p00.f([0-9]{3})
>         FILE
>  /var/autofs/mnt/rapdmg1/data/grib/tmp/GFS003/\1/\1_i\2_f\3_GFS003.status
> ^.status.data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.([0-9]{8})/../gfs.t([0-9]{2})z.pgrb2.0p50.f([0-9]{3})
>         FILE
>  /var/autofs/mnt/rapdmg1/data/grib/tmp/GFS004/\1/\1_i\2_f\3_GFS004.status

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