[ldm-users] attack of the null's in LDM feed


Continuing with loosing my mind here, my text product ingest has been going 
crazy on me this weekend.  Turns out, we are seeing the attack of the null's

20190218T021723.165205Z pqcat[15196] INFO pqcat.c:77:writeprod()   16162003 
20190218015632.873399 IDS|DDPLUS 3306  null00 KNES 180156
20190218T021723.352385Z pqcat[15196] INFO pqcat.c:77:writeprod()   16105841 
20190218020044.637644 IDS|DDPLUS 3307  null00 KNES 180200
20190218T021723.372805Z pqcat[15196] INFO pqcat.c:77:writeprod()   13907326 
20190218020118.898893 IDS|DDPLUS 3308  null00 KNES 180200
20190218T021723.378470Z pqcat[15196] INFO pqcat.c:77:writeprod()    1742730 
20190218020136.157817 IDS|DDPLUS 3309  null00 KNES 180201
20190218T021723.421540Z pqcat[15196] INFO pqcat.c:77:writeprod()   15546460 
20190218020235.479166 IDS|DDPLUS 3310  null00 KNES 180202

null00 KNES eh.  Here's an example first few bytes in one of these files...

null00 KNES 180156^M^M
TIPB04 KNES 180105^M^M

What sorcery is this? 


 * daryl herzmann
 * Systems Analyst III -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
 * https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu

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