Re: [ldm-users] product codes - master list?

Hello Joseph,

I am not exactly certain what you are asking the group, but I think you want to 
know if there is some master list of WMO header codes and what their contents 
generally are.  Sadly, I don't know of such a listing, but here are some 
resources that may help.

First, the general form of the WMO header and the AWIPS identifier (some call 


Where, TTAAII is supposed to be the six character (aside, there is still one 
sad case where it is 5) code for the product, like SDUS91 you have in your 
email.  Then CCCC is to be the originating center code.  Then DDHHMI is the UTC 
day, hour, minute for the product.  The BBB is an optional field that denotes 
things like product corrections or sequence numbers for products that have 
matching "TTAAII CCCC DDHHMI".  The XXXYYY is not strictly a WMO header field, 
but it is a very handy ID that is nicely translated by LDM into the product ID 
part of the LDM product name "/pXXXYYY".  But caveat, when this field is not 
properly whitespace padded to six characters (for IDs of less than 6 
letters/numbers), it will not appear as the /p field in the LDM product name.

There are lots more caveats with the above, but I suspect I am getting into the 
weeds here and others on this list have already heard my whining about 
inconsistencies with the implementation of those values in products before .

Anyway, if you have some idea on what those identifiers could or should be, you 
can do a search on my "IDD Database", which contains metadata on the LDM IDD 
products (not fully comprehensive, but should have all text products).

If you think you know what the XXXYYY should be, you can use this tool to look 
up what my archiving has for it:

If you think you know what the CCCC center code is, you can see a quick per-UTC 
day view of text products from that center.

Another resource I often check is the GEMPAK distributed LDM pqact files, which 
contain some metadata about the WMO headers and often gives a place to start:

Oh dear, I rambled a bunch.  Perhaps I have not come close to answering your 
question? :)


 * daryl herzmann
 * Systems Analyst III -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet

From: ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
on behalf of Joseph Spenner <joseph85750@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019 2:42:11 PM
To: LDM Users
Subject: [ldm-users] product codes - master list?

Hello, I've tried finding this information but am having no luck.  For example, 
if I have this:

WMO 710  SDUS91 ZUNI 012001


SPUS70 KWBC 011132
PACM 011129Z AUTO 09011G18KT 10SM BKN020 M11/M14 A2988 RMK AO2
KAJO 011129Z AUTO 00000KT 3/4SM -RA BR CLR 06/06 A2998 RMK AO2 VIS
     M1/4V4 RAB11 P0000 $=
KBAK 011130Z 00000KT 5SM -SN BR OVC023 M08/M11 A3023=
KCNO 011128Z AUTO 01003KT 5SM BR CLR 08/08 A2998 RMK AO2
KOTH 011129Z AUTO 15006KT 6SM -RA BR BKN026 OVC033 09/08 A2975 RMK
     AO2 P0001=

Is there some table somewhere to search "SPUS70"  or  "SDUS91"   and get a list 
of what products exist there?


Joseph Spenner

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