Re: [ldm-users] increasing the size of the product queue

  • To: Joseph Spenner <joseph85750@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [ldm-users] increasing the size of the product queue
  • From: "Herzmann, Daryl E [AGRON]" <akrherz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2019 14:53:47 +0000
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Good morning Joseph,

Your pqmon output shows that your queue only has ~560 seconds worth of 
data within it.  Typically, you want to see this value at least 3600 
seconds (1 hour).  The default settings of LDM and LDM's feed logic like 
to see queue sizes that hold at least an hour of data.  So linear 
extrapolation would suggest that you want to expand the size by ~6x.

Here are some links regarding expanding the queue size

You should check your LDM logs for messages like 'processing last message 
in queue', this is another sign that your system can not process messages 
fast enough for your queue size.  You should expand your queue size or 
look at splitting up the pqact processing load into multiple pqact 
processes.  This is tricky as you get into other issues like how much 
capacity your system has and how pqact jobs are configured.

As far as the limit, if you are on 64bit OS, I am unsure what that limit 
is. It is likely larger than you need for this usage case :)


On Wed, 16 Jan 2019, Joseph Spenner wrote:

> Hello, I'm running an LDM and processing a lot of data from Unisys.  I'm 
> missing some data, and suspecting my product queue might not be big enough.  
> I saw this page:
> And when I run that command, the age is well below 3600:
> $ pqmon -i 5
> Jan 16 21:40:45 pqmon NOTE: Starting Up (2603)
> Jan 16 21:40:45 pqmon NOTE: nprods nfree  nempty      nbytes  maxprods  
> maxfree  minempty    maxext  age
> Jan 16 21:40:45 pqmon NOTE:  40061    94       1   807272424     40155      
> 305         0 1240468552 560
> Jan 16 21:40:50 pqmon NOTE:  40084    71       1   815131664     40155      
> 305         0 1232653232 565
> Jan 16 21:40:55 pqmon NOTE:  40085    71       0   816728704     40155      
> 305         0 1231043728 569
> Jan 16 21:41:00 pqmon NOTE:  40078    78       0   820314760     40155      
> 305         0 1227516928 572
> Jan 16 21:41:05 pqmon NOTE:  40100    55       1   821967680     40155      
> 305         0 1225949200 576
> My queue file is about 2G:
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 ldm ldm 2052718592 Jan 16 21:54 ldm.pq
> I was looking to delete and recreate it, but not sure how to make it bigger.  
> What is the limit?  And how do I specify the size?
> Thanks!
> Regards,Joseph Spenner

  * daryl herzmann
  * Systems Analyst III -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
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