[ldm-users] Update on idd.aos.wisc.edu - now available for feeds or backup for any .edu


Thanks to a generous Unidata Equipment grant from the last round, and setup 
assistance from Mike Schmidt and Tom Yoksas at Unidata, UW-Madison Atmospheric 
and Oceanic Sciences (AOS) is now running a two node ldm cluster that more than 
doubles our capacity to serve data compared to our previous hardware.

As a result, I'm happy to announce the general availability of idd.aos.wisc.edu 
as a backup to any .edu sites that are currently feeding from 
idd.unidata.ucar.edu or elsewhere.

The allow should be there already - no need to request access (but feel free to 
email me if you have problems/questions.)

Just add an additional ALLOW statement for any (or multiple) of the following 
ldm data feeds:


DIFAX (GOES16 GRB feed, will eventually be renamed SATELLITE and will include 
GOES17 GB data when it's operational)


FNMOC (Navy model)

GEM (Canadian model)





NGRID [NOAAport model data]

NIMAGE [NOAAport legacy imagery, GINI format]

NOTHER [NOAAport GOES 16/17 products, mostly]


For anyone already feeding from UW-AOS, please feel free to continue as you 

Thanks again, Unidata and NSF for funding this. THREDDS server coming soon...


Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086  - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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