Hi Joseph,
You might try the following link as a resource for configuring pqact.conf:
The page is written for AWIPS II, but it can probably be tailored for
your application, I'm assuming you already have a data feed and are
interested in saving products to file or piping to a script for
additional use.
Blue sky idea for Unidata developers: Either include something similar
to this with the default LDM tar bundle or create a script to generate
this (similar to the gen_pqact.csh that comes with Gempak, but replacing
references for decoders with references to file products within a
directory structure).
Slightly off topic: At Plymouth State, we're migrating generation of
some model products from Gempak to NCL. We're finding that there are
some operational limitations to using NCL with Opendap GRIB/netCDF
datasets and are investigating using local GRIB products ingested by LDM
as an alternative source. I've been doing one off edits of pqact.conf
on a case by case basis, but it would be nice if there were a resource
to generate a pqact.conf for all current model products (& subsequently
keeping it up to date as new products come out). If NCL could handle
Gempak files directly, it would be less of an issue.
Hope this helps,
Brendon Hoch, M.S.
MSC 48, Boyd Science Center 319
Plymouth State University
Plymouth, NH 03264
(603)535-2818 Fax: (603)535-2723