[ldm-users] DOWNTIME - - - iddb.unidata.ucar.edu

Hello LDM'ers,

The Mesa Lab at NCAR/UCAR will be doing their semi-annual power down this
The maintenance work is scheduled to begin at 6 a.m. Saturday, October 8,
and conclude by 6 p.m.

This *WILL BRING DOWN* the cluster known as:


The cluster:

idd.unidata.ucar.edu *WILL STAY UP* over this time period and should not be

Those facilities feeding from iddb.unidata.ucar.edu should use their
failover site(s) to insure
the continued flow of data.

Please direct any questions regarding this power down to:


Jeff Weber
Unidata Program Center
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
303-497-8676                          jweber@xxxxxxxx
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