[ldm-users] pqact.conf for hurricane / tropical storm alerts

Hello, I'm trying to configure my LDM to pick up the following alert types:


My pqact.conf entry:
# Tropical Storm/Hurricane
WMO     ^WT.... .... ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-5][0-9])
        FILE    -close -strip 

Does this look right?I'm not seeing anything, but maybe I've not waited long 
enough for the new alerts to show up.
I'm after a bunch of related alerts, ideally:
-          Tropical Storm Warning-          Tropical Storm Watch-          
Hurricane Warning-          Hurricane Watch-          Inland Tropical Storm 
Watch-          Inland Tropical Storm Warning-          Inland Hurricane Watch- 
         Inland Hurricane Warning-          Extreme Wind Warning-          
Typhoon Warning-          Typhoon Watch
Any help/adjustments would be great.
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