If I were to guess, I'd guess some of the deep circulation stuff, and
probably ADCIRC for surge/inundation. There's a very active program to get
ADCIRC up as a dynamic wave model for that aspect of the forecasts, rather
than looking at a catalog of SLOSH runs, which is the current paradigm.
I just had time today to look at connectivity. Im about to start a
notifyme, and see what's coming in there.
I'll report what I can find. I'm hoping they'll have the full NAM 12km, and
GOES-R test data.
On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 9:04 AM, Donna Cote <d-cote@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> TAMU doesn't have a NOAAPort system, hence no feed of NOTHER.
> " NOTHER is a feedtype ONLY available via NOAAport. Since you don't have a
> NOAAport system, you won't have it."
> Donna
> On Mar 2, 2016 12:26 PM, "Brendon Hoch" <bhoch@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Ldmers,
>> I was looking at some IDD statistics and noticed a decent level of data
>> volume coming across the NOTHER feed. I did a quick
>> ldmadmin watch -f NOTHER
>> The headers looked like some type of ocean model data. Any ideas on what
>> specifically is being transmitted on this feed?
>> Thanks,
>> Brendon
>> --
>> Brendon Hoch, M.S.
>> Director of IT & Instrumentation
>> Judd Gregg Meteorology Institute
>> MSC 48, Boyd Hall 319
>> Plymouth State University
>> Plymouth, NH 03264
>> (603)535-2818 Fax: (603)535-2723
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Gerry Creager
“Big whorls have little whorls,
That feed on their velocity;
And little whorls have lesser whorls,
And so on to viscosity.”
Lewis Fry Richardson (1881-1953)