[ldm-users] LDM won't start - new behavior

We recently had the need to reboot our LDM relay server 'ldm-relay1' and
now I see:

[ldm@ldm-relay1 ~]$ ldmadmin start
> The product-queue is OK.
> Checking pqact(1) configuration-file(s)...
> Checking LDM configuration-file (/home/ldm/etc/ldmd.conf)...
> Starting the LDM server...
> start(): Server not started.
> start(): Server not started.
> start(): Server not started.
> start(): Server not started.
> start(): Server not started.
> ^C

the log file is real short:

[root@ldm-relay1 logs]# cat ldmd.log
> Feb 25 09:53:39 ldm-relay1 ldmd[3630] NOTE: Starting Up (version: 6.12.14;
> built: Feb 25 2016 09:46:22)
> Feb 25 09:53:39 ldm-relay1 ldmd[3630] NOTE: Exiting
> Feb 25 09:53:39 ldm-relay1 ldmd[3630] NOTE: Terminating process group
> [root@ldm-relay1 logs]#

The ldmd.pid file contains that process id (3630) and remains while there
are NO ldmd processes.

Kinda stumped. I have tried recompiling. The one change before the reboot
was 'yum update glibc', which didn't cause any problems on our other five
machines running 6.12.14.

Thanks, Donna
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