[ldm-users] Very special opportunity at the University of Oklahoma


I just wanted to pass along a position description for the Departmental
Computing Systems Coordinator at the University of Oklahoma. Why? Well,
this position was previously held by Mark Laufersweiler, who was the
recipient of the 2008 Russell L. DeSouza Award. The Russell L. DeSouza
Award honors individuals whose energy, expertise, and active involvement
enable the Unidata Program to better serve geoscience. Honorees
personify Unidata's ideal of a community that shares data, software, and
ideas through computing and networking technologies.

Needless to say, it will be extremely difficult for the School of
Meteorology to replace Mark (and in my opinion, impossible to "fully"
make up for the loss). That said, I know there are several data experts
on this list that might be interested in the opportunity, especially the
opportunities to interact with students in an academic environment. If
you are interested, please see the attached description, or check out
the announcement on our News@Unidata blog:




Attachment: Computing Coordinator position.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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