[ldm-users] METAR reports


Good morning,

I am new to the IDD and not really experienced in the atmospheric sciences. I 
am looking for help obtaining surface weather reports (metar) in the United 
States from LDM. I followed guidelines in WMO header tables to request reports 
from United States with the following statement:

IDS|DDPLUS ^SAUS.. (....) (..)(..)



According to table descriptions the first field after the type of the report is 
the cccc station identifier and I believe this is the ICAO ID for reporting 
stations. However, I have not been able to get reports for specific stations 
using this ID and if I use the statement as above I always get 60 folders only.

Would anyone help with a better statement to get these hourly reports for 
specific stations? Is this possible at all?

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

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Arturo  Diaz, Jr.
Programmer I (CEES)
Biology and Chemistry
5201 University Blvd.
Laredo, TX 78041
Tel. (956) 326-2415
Fax (956) 326-3125


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