[ldm-users] Looking for some data

We're looking at the Moore and El Reno events again, and I didn't manage to
snag all the data I should have. And, for some reason, in the weeks
following it, we were just a bit busy, and I didn't track it down then.

What I'm looking for is some of the Special soundings in the period from
16-29 MAY, specifically:
SHV: 2013051618
LBF, DDC, LMN: 2013051818
OAX, TOP, LMN, OUN: 2013051918
SGF: 2013051920
OUN, LMN: 2013052017
FWD, LZK, SGF, DVN, DTX, APX: 2013052018
FWD, LZK, DTX: 2013052118
SHV: 2013052119
AMA: 2013052318
FWD: 2013052320
AMA: 2013052321
AMA: 2013052918

If anyone has these, I'd really appreciate being able to snag copies. If
they're in Gempak format, already, that'd actually be great, asI have to
subject them to SNLIST to get them into the format our other code uses for

Gerry Creager
“Big whorls have little whorls,
That feed on their velocity;
And little whorls have lesser whorls,
And so on to viscosity.”
Lewis Fry Richardson (1881-1953)
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