Re: [ldm-users] feed upstream help (need providers)

Hello group and Blair,

If this person or group is in academia at the university level, we
(Unidata) would be happy to set them up for an LDM/IDD feed. Please send
idd connection requests to:


and please visit this page:


Jeff Weber                                    jweber@xxxxxxxx        :
Unidata Program Center                        PH:303-497-8676        :
University Corp for Atmospheric Research      3300 Mitchell Ln       :      Boulder,Co 80307-3000  :

On Tue, 13 Aug 2013, Blair Trosper wrote:

> I'm trying to help someone out in academia, and I was wondering if anyone
> could spare bandwidth for either of these feed trees:
> As always, if you require bandwidth for any feeds we carry, please don't
> hesitate to ask me for an ALLOW line, even if it's just for backup
> purposes.  We'll be happy to help out in any way we can.
> --
> Blair Trosper
> Weather Data / Updraft Networks
> blair.trosper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <blair.trosper@xxxxxxxxxx>
> NOC:  512-666-0536

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