[ldm-users] scour utility in LDM 6.11.2

I tried out a scour command and got errors. I find this strange. Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong?

[ldm@curoi logs]$ scour -v -l ~ldm/etc/scour.conf &
[1] 27659
[ldm@curoi ~]$ /home/ldm/bin/scour: line 119: csh: command not found
/home/ldm/bin/scour: line 119: csh: command not found
/home/ldm/bin/scour: line 119: csh: command not found

[1]+  Done                    scour -v -l ~ldm/etc/scour.conf
[ldm@curoi logs]$tail ldmd.log
Jul 24 01:30:33 curoi pqact[14559] NOTE: Behind by 62.425 s
Jul 24 01:32:38 curoi pqact[14561] NOTE: Behind by 188.338 s
Jul 24 01:33:53 curoi pqact[14554] NOTE: Behind by 263.007 s
Jul 24 01:36:25 curoi pqact[14565] NOTE: Behind by 414.975 s
Jul 24 01:36:47 curoi pqact[14564] NOTE: Behind by 436.697 s
Jul 24 01:52:54 curoi scour: Starting Up
Jul 24 01:52:56 curoi scour: directory ~ldm/var/logs does not exist, skipping
Jul 24 01:52:56 curoi scour: directory /home/ldm/data/radar/craft_all does not 
exist, skipping
Jul 24 01:52:56 curoi scour: directory /home/ldm/data/radar/NIDS_all does not 
exist, skipping
Jul 24 01:52:56 curoi scour: exiting ...
[ldm@curoi logs]$ ls -ld /home/ldm/data/radar/craft_all/
drwxrwxr-x 193 ldm ldm 8192 Jul 23 19:00 /home/ldm/data/radar/craft_all/
[ldm@curoi logs]$ ls -ld /home/ldm/data/radar/NIDS_all/
drwxrwxr-x 193 ldm ldm 8192 Jul 23 19:01 /home/ldm/data/radar/NIDS_all/
[ldm@curoi logs]$ ls -ld ~ldm/var/logs
drwxrwxr-x 2 ldm ldm 4096 Jul 24 00:00 /home/ldm/var/logs
[ldm@curoi logs]$ ls ../var
ls: cannot access ../var: No such file or directory
[ldm@curoi logs]$ ls ~/var
data  data.orig  logs  queues
[ldm@curoi logs]$ cat ~/etc/scour.conf
# Configuration file for "scour" utility, to delete all files older than a
# specified number of days from specified directories and all their
# subdirectories.  Scour should be invoked periodically by cron(8).
# Each line consists of a directory, a retention time (in days), and
# (optionally) a shell filename pattern for files to be deleted.  If no
# filename pattern is specified, "*" representing all files not beginning with
# "." is assumed.  The syntax "~user" is understood.  Non-absolute pathnames
# are relative to the directory `regutil /pqact/datadir-path`.
# A hash in column one indicates a comment line.

# Directory                     Days-old        Optional-filename-pattern

#dir1                           2
#dir2                           2               *.foo
~ldm/var/logs                   1               *.stats
~ldm/data/radar/craft_all       90              *
~ldm/data/radar/NIDS_all        90              *

[ldm@curoi ~]$ ldmadmin config

hostname:              curoi.tamu.edu
os:                    Linux
release:               2.6.32-279.19.1.el6.x86_64
ldmhome:               /home/ldm
LDM version:           6.11.2

I also tried:
[ldm@curoi ~]$ ldmadmin scour -v -l ~ldm/etc/scour.conf
/home/ldm/bin/scour: line 119: csh: command not found
scour: directory ~ldm/var/logs does not exist, skipping
/home/ldm/bin/scour: line 119: csh: command not found
scour: directory ~ldm/data/radar/craft_all does not exist, skipping
/home/ldm/bin/scour: line 119: csh: command not found
scour: directory ~ldm/data/radar/NIDS_all does not exist, skipping
[ldm@curoi ~]$

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