Re: [ldm-users] my data seems to be blackhole-ing

How about having your pqact include a
        PIPE \2 \3

where simply takes two arguments and prints them to a tmp file. For example

echo "filename and path will be /nasnrl1/data/radar/nexradII/raw/ $1 $2" > /tmp/note2me.log

On 7/15/13 4:51 PM, Blair Trosper wrote:
I tried absolute paths, and the files failed to materialize then, too.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 4:46 PM, Frost, Mr. Michael
<Michael.Frost@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Michael.Frost@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>

    Do you want absolute or relative paths in your pqact entries?  I
    always have absolute.____

    __ __

    Also, does your expression pass the ‘regex’ test?____

    __ __

    My entry for level II is:____

    __ __



             FILE    -close


    __ __


    __ __

    ==  For the E guy..____


            EXEC    /h/ldm/decoders/processLevelII.ksh
    /nasnrl1/data/radar/nexradII/raw/\2/ \2 \3____


    __ __


    __ __

    Michael Frost
    Naval Research Laboratory
    Marine Meteorology Division
    7 Grace Hopper Avenue, Stop #2
    Monterey, CA 93940
    Phone: 831-656-4723 <tel:831-656-4723>
    Fax: 831-656-4017 <tel:831-656-4017>
    Email: mike.frost@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    <mailto:ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>] *On Behalf Of *Karen
    Cooper - NOAA Affiliate
    *Sent:* Monday, July 15, 2013 2:42 PM
    *To:* Blair Trosper
    *Cc:* LDM Users
    *Subject:* Re: [ldm-users] my data seems to be blackhole-ing____

    __ __

    And of course what I really meant was the exec line in your ldmd.conf...

    exec    "pqact "____

    __ __

    On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Karen Cooper - NOAA Affiliate
    <karen.cooper@xxxxxxxx <mailto:karen.cooper@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:____


    First a sanity check. -- Are you sure that pqact is uncommented in
    your <>? ____

    You can set pqact to verbose mode and then you should see what it's
    trying to do, as it will log to your ldmd.log files.  I often use
    this when I'm testing out new pqact entries that aren't working as I
    expect. ____

    __ __

    On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Blair Trosper
    <mailto:blair.trosper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:____

        I'm receiving several feeds as proven by ldmadmin watch...and
        the logs all look fine.  However, my data isn't being saved to

        __ __

         From *registry.xml*:____


        __ __

         From */mnt/data/ldm/etc/pqact.conf*:____

            # L2 data
                     FILE    nexrad2/\1/\1_\2-\3.part
                     FILE    -close nexrad2/\1/\1_\2-\3.part

        __ __

        However, following those two things, here's a directory listing
        of */mnt/data/ldm/var/data*:____

            ldm@chicago-il-1:~/data$ ls -lsha
            total 8.0K
            4.0K drwxr-xr-x 2 ldm ldm 4.0K Jul 15 16:09 .
            4.0K drwxr-xr-x 5 ldm ldm 4.0K Jul 13 23:19 ..____

        __ __

        Nothing.  The same is true of other feeds which should be
        stashed in other subdirectories.____

        __ __

        The bandwidth is certainly registering, which I have verified at
        the router, so I'm definitely receiving the

        __ __

        Where are my files going?  Any way to track this down?____

        __ __

        (I've also done "du -ksh" from the home directory of the ldm
        user over the last few hours, and it's not increasing.
          Definitely nothing being written to hard disk.  And still no
        errors in the LDM or system logs.)____

        __ __

        -- ____

        Blair Trosper____

        Weather Data / Updraft Networks____


        NOC: 512-666-0536 <tel:512-666-0536>____

        __ __

        ldm-users mailing list
        ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        For list information or to unsubscribe,  visit: ____

    “Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get."
      -- Robert A. Heinlein

    Karen.Cooper@xxxxxxxx <mailto:Karen.Cooper@xxxxxxxx>

    Phone: 405-325-6982 <tel:405-325-6982>
    Cell: 405-834-8559 <tel:405-834-8559>
    INDUS Corporation
    National Severe Storms Laboratory____

    “Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get."
      -- Robert A. Heinlein

    Karen.Cooper@xxxxxxxx <mailto:Karen.Cooper@xxxxxxxx>

    Phone: 405-325-6982 <tel:405-325-6982>
    Cell: 405-834-8559 <tel:405-834-8559>
    INDUS Corporation
    National Severe Storms Laboratory____

Blair Trosper
Weather Data / Updraft Networks
blair.trosper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:blair.trosper@xxxxxxxxxx>
NOC: 512-666-0536

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