Hello everyone,
I'll be switching servers in the near future, from real
machines...to virtual ones. Yes, weather, weather2 and
weather3.admin.niu.edu will be mothballed and I will
be operating from VM's. The good news is that while I'll
miss my physical machines, these will be in a new high-speed
data center here at NIU, hooked up to 2 separate A/C units and generators,
so even if one fails, the other kicks in and takes over in the event of a
power failure.
Anyway, if you could be so kind as to allow these machines into your
ldmd.conf, depending on whether your are an upstream or downstream site, I
appreciate it:
vm-weather.admin.niu.edu :
vm-weather3.admin.niu.edu :
At this point, I am not planning on a vm-weather2 because I can go nuts on
increasing memory, CPU's etc on the other two.
Do NOT feed from those sites yet, but hopefully soon I'll get them up and
running after I verify all is well.
Thank you!
Gilbert Sebenste ********
(My opinions only!) ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University ****
E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ***
web: http://weather.admin.niu.edu **
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/NIU_Weather **
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/niu.weather *