[ldm-users] USGS Question

I realize this may be either a stupid question or highly off topic, but I
figured you fine netizens might be able me out.

I'm trying to find out if there is an LDM-like feed for the USGS's
earthquake data (and any they aggregate/repeat/federate from other

)As far as I can tell, there's no feed tree for this at present on LDM,
though I do see a usgs.gov server on the network here and there...so this
gives me hope and curiosity.)

1.  Am I wrong about that?
2.  If not, does anyone know if the USGS distributes earthquake data in any
semi-real time manner like NOAA does with WMO/IDS|DDPLUS/etc?

Thanks for the assist.

Blair Trosper
Weather Data / Updraft Networks
blair.trosper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <blair.trosper@xxxxxxxxxx>
NOC:  512-666-0536
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