Re: [ldm-users] Product queue always empty.

If you have configured the conf files, then started LDM, you might have a problem.

I recommend to simply restart LDM with "ldmadmin restart".

Also, look at the queue file with "ls -lh ~/var/queues/".

If you still have problems, you will need to confirm that there are allows for your site that match the requests you have in your ldmd.conf file.


On 5/21/13 2:20 PM, João Carneiro wrote:
I am getting to know how to work with LDM, and have followed the
instructions below for installing the system in my CentOS 6 machine.

I have configured my conf files via following the workshop-specific
instructions below.

Unfortunately, when testing out my installation using$ ldmadmin watch, I
get the following message:

(Type ^D when finished)

And nothing else! I know I am supposed to receive messages whenever any
products arrive in my product queue, so this would indicate my product
queue is in fact always empty.

I would appreciate any help I can get!
João H. Carneiro

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