[ldm-users] ldm will not start

uggh this is frustrating, but probably simple...

rebooted my server after a mass of yum updates
now ldm-6.11.4 acts like it starts, but doesn't

-bash-4.1$ldmadmin start
The product-queue is OK.
Checking pqact(1) configuration-file(s)...
    /usr/local/ldm/etc/ddplus.conf: syntactically correct
    /usr/local/ldm/etc/pqact.conf: syntactically correct
Checking LDM configuration-file (/usr/local/ldm/etc/ldmd.conf)...
Starting the LDM server...
-bash-4.1$ ldmadmin watch
There is no LDM server running

-Jeff Lake K8JSL

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