Re: [ldm-users] Double ACUS11 KWNS

Sorry guys
Ignore the EMWIN as I have a separate pqact.conf just for EMWIN,
the problem is the double on the DDPLUS feed...
it has never done this until recently
just want to know is this an oops, or permenant

-Jeff Lake

On 2/24/2013 21:47, Daniel Vietor - NOAA Affiliate wrote:
I actually put a fix into the LDM to handle this.

NOAAPort data does not come with the standard WMO header sequence. The NOAAPort ingester that comes with the LDM adds the WMO header and trailer sequence to make it compatible with the LDM pqing program. The problem is that the WMO product layout requires a CR-CR-LF-ETX on the end of every product. Since binary products don't come with a trailing CR-CR-LF, the NOAAPort code adds one. But it goes one step too far. It adds a CR-CR-LF to all products.

This is OK it you're not mixing feeds. At the AWC, we get a feed of data from the TOC. It is formatted with the WMO header the trailer. What I found out when I started feeding both NOAAPort and TOC data into the LDM, all the text products were duplicated since the NOAAPort code added a CR-CR-LF to every product. If the product already ends in a CR-CR-LF, no one needs to be added.

So I modified the NOAAPort ingest code to add a CR-CR-LF to the binary products but not for the text products that already ended with a CR-CR-LF. This solved the problem and NOAAPort and the TOC feed could be ingested simultaneously without duplicates.

My suspicion is that the EMWIN feed is identical in format to what we were seeing from the TOC. So the NOAAPort fix would solve this. I made a recommendation to the LDM group at Unidata to provide this as an option to the NOAAPort code.


On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 8:15 PM, daryl herzmann <akrherz@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:akrherz@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hi Jeff,

    Two things are going on here.

    1) You can't mix noaaport and EMWIN with LDM, you will get near
    duplicates that are only missing 1 CRCRLF between the products.

    2) The two products you see within IDS are different by one byte,
    this is the fun control character that SPC puts into some products
    to denote they have aviation significance (see character infront
    of SPC MCD)  Its \x1e and is it documented in product directive?


    On Sun, 24 Feb 2013, Jeff Lake wrote:

        Is anybody else seeing double messages out of the SPC ??

        Feb 25 00:48:30 ldm pqact[31868] INFO:     1836
        20130225004830.210 IDS|DDPLUS 94267906  ACUS11 KWNS 250048
        Feb 25 00:48:39 ldm pqact[31868] INFO:     1835
        20130225004839.163     EXP 999  EMWIN ACUS11 KWNS 250048 /pSWOMCD
        Feb 25 00:48:50 ldm pqact[31868] INFO:     1835
        20130225004850.231 IDS|DDPLUS 94268206  ACUS11 KWNS 250048
        Feb 25 00:50:12 ldm pqact[31868] INFO:     1840
        20130225005012.570     EXP 999  EMWIN ACUS11 KWNS 250048 /pSWOMCD
        Feb 25 00:50:25 ldm pqact[31868] INFO:     1836
        20130225005025.144     EXP 999  EMWIN ACUS11 KWNS 250048 /pSWOMCD

        as you can see, I'm getting 2 via IDS|DDPLUS and at least 2
        via EMWIN
        Only reason these stick out, is I have them being mailed and
        the double email messages caught my attention...

        what is the best way to find where the error sits ??

-- /**
     * Daryl Herzmann
     * Assistant Scientist -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet

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*Dan Vietor*
*Senior Research Meteorologist*
CIRA, Colorado State Univ
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