[ldm-users] What is the \x92 character in PNSWSH?

Hi LDM Users,

So a long term annoyance / curiosity continues to get the best of me. I figured I would spam the very smart folks on the ldm-users list and hope somebody could educate me. Attached you will find a PNS statement from WSH that came down our lovely IDD feed on LDM today.

Within the file, you will find the following characters and here's some python code showing where its at :)

a = open('PNSWSH.txt').read()
'ts from FAA\x92s \r\r\nTDW'

So it should have been an apostrophe, but it instead appears to be Windows CP1252 encoding for "RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK" ?

After much gnashing of teeth and conversations with NWS TOC folks, this appears to be some issue with products generated in a Word Processor getting saved to a text file without US-ASCII encoding being set during the process, so it defaults to some windows encoding? Or it is some copy/paste issue. The jury never did return a verdict on this and my support ticket with the TOC was closed, oye.

I asked Unidata and they did not know. So does anybody here know what character encoding is used for text data that come down the IDD?

If you are still reading this, you are probably wondering two things:
 1) why I care.
 2) if I have a life.

Well, this is an important problem when saving these products to a database. See, databases can be sticklers about character encoding and often do not accept "garbage in".

If you check out the NWS website, the apostrophe is gone!

There is a large and vast conspiracy afoot!


 * Daryl Herzmann
 * Assistant Scientist -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
 * http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu


NOUS41 KWBC 201146


Technical Implementation Notice 13-03

National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC

646 AM EST Wed Feb 19 2013

To:       Subscribers:

          -Family of Services

          -NOAA Weather Wire Service

          -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network


          Other NWS partners and NWS employees

From:     Richard J. Vogt

          Director, WSR-88D Radar Operations Center

Subject:  More Frequent Products from 7 Additional FAA

          Terminal Doppler Weather Radars During Hazardous

          Weather Effective February 27, 2013

Effective February 27, 2013, at approximately 1500 Coordinated 

Universal Time (UTC), NWS will more frequent disseminate radar 

products generated by the NWS Supplemental Product Generator 

(SPG) from 7 additional FAA Terminal Doppler Weather Radars 

(TDWRs) during the TDWR hazardous weather mode also known as 

Volume Coverage Pattern 80 (VCP 80). These products will be 

provided via the NWS Radar Product Central Data Collection 

Dissemination Service (RPCCDS) and NOAAPort.

NWS initiated more frequent radar product distribution from  

11 TDWRs on April 12, 2012, (Reference TIN 12-13).  The 7 TDWRs 

added with this notice are listed below: 


--------------   -------   --------------------------- 

KOUN             TOKC      OKLAHOMA CITY (OKC)

KLWX             TBWI      BALTIMORE (BWI)


KLWX             TADW      ANDREWS AFB MD (ADW)

KLWX             TIAD      DULLES (IAD)

KRAH             TRDU      RALEIGH (RDU)

KEAX             TMCI      KANSAS CITY (MCI)

As with other centrally-collected TDWR-SPG products, the products 

from these added sites will be archived at the National Climatic 

Data Center (NCDC). The inventory of the archived products will 

be contained along with other TDWR products under the NEXRAD 

Level III tab at:


More information about how the NWS generates products from FAA?s 

TDWR data can be found at:


If you have any questions about the technical content or 

generation of these products, please contact:

  Mike Istok


If you have questions about the NOAAPort activation of these 

products, please contact:

  Brian Gockel


National Technical Implementation Notices are online at: 



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