Re: [ldm-users] NAVGEM?

Hi Neil:

USGODAE provided the NOGAPS to the IDD.  Hopefully today the NAVGEM will also 
be flowing through the IDD.

Here is the flier I sent out regarding the NOGAPS to NAVGEM transition to the 
USGODAE users.



FNMOC is in the process of transitioning from the NOGAPS model over to NAVGEM.  
You can see details at

This email is intended for any of the NOGAPS users out there.  Hopefully, it 
will soften the blow.

New Directory location:

-  The folder where the NAVGEM data will be located is 

Different filenames:

-  FNMOC includes the WMO GRIB processing ID and WMO GRIB grid ID in their 
filenames.  This will cause the new files to be named slightly differently.  
It's a simple and straight forward change, but a change none the less.

                                                             XXXX XXXX



In the above, the 0058_0240 which represented the one degree NOGAPS will change 
to 0018_0056 to represent the 1/2 degree NAVGEM

Higher resolution:

-  We are switching from 1 degree to 1/2 degree

Important dates:

2/13/2013:  NAVGEM data to be made available on USGODAE

3/13/2013:  NOGAPS will no longer be available.  It is being turned off at FNMOC

---  From 2/13/2013 to 3/13/2013 both NOGAPS and NAVGEM will be available


Michael Frost
Naval Research Laboratory
Marine Meteorology Division
7 Grace Hopper Avenue, Stop #2
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone:  831-656-4723
Fax:  831-656-4017
Email:  mike.frost@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Neil Smith
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 9:14 AM
To: ldm-users
Subject: [ldm-users] NAVGEM?

Is the upcoming NAVGEM replacement for NOGAPS scheduled to be distributed on 
the IDD?
Neil Smith  neils@xxxxxxxx<mailto:neils@xxxxxxxx>   979.845.6272
Senior IT Specialist, Atmospheric Sciences, TAMU

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