Re: [ldm-users] High res Nexrad level 3 much noisier than low res?

> There are many more radial solid lines (i.e. something like a building
> blocking the beam in one direction, or interference with a neighboring
> and also much more noise in general. The Lincoln, IL radar has a radial
> almost due west pretty much all the time, and the Sioux Falls, SD radar
> to have many radial false echos - not a straight line, but lots of
smaller dots
> along many of the radials.

I don't see any "more" bad data, it just is more evident due to the higher

All of those "artifacts" are quite clearly in the raw data. For example,
L2 from KILX shows the blockage to the west. FSD is showing that
interference(?) pattern. Many of the other spikes are simply sunset
spikes. If you use a 4-bit NIDS viewer you will see the exact same
artifacts, they just might be harder to recognize due to the lower

> Not sure what, if anything can be done about it, but it's kind of a
> that these higher resolution products have such poor quality control.

I think you are looking at it the wrong way... The 8-bit data is showing
more detail than 4-bit. That's a good thing.

  - ROb

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