Re: [ldm-users] pqact for NWW3?

This is actually for an effort to get garp configured correctly. I'm looking for the matching pqact decode and "modelkey" expression in Garp_defaults for the NOAAport version of the NWW III ocean wave model, as provided by the IDD.

The GEMPAK5.11.4 $GEMTBL/config/datatype.tbl has the file naming as YYYYMMDDHH_wam002.gem, as indicated before.

But with pqact decoding entry:
# Spectral grids - grids A,B,C,D Global grid Forecasts (wind & waves, temperature)
# /mNOW, /mSST, /mMRF, /mSPEC62MRF
HDS     ^H.[ABCD][A-Z][0-9][0-9] KWB. ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])..
PIPE decoders/dcgrib2 -v 1 -d data/gempak/logs/ dcgrib2_NWW.log
                -e GEMTBL=/unidata/GEMPAK5.11.4/gempak/tables

I'm currently receiving the files with naming as listed in the $GEMTBL/ grid/gribkey.tbl:

! combine these with mrf grids 21-24
007 x 010 021 data/gempak/model/nww/ YYYYMMDDHH_nww.gem 500 007 x 010 022 data/gempak/model/nww/ YYYYMMDDHH_nww.gem 500 007 x 010 023 data/gempak/model/nww/ YYYYMMDDHH_nww.gem 500 007 x 010 024 data/gempak/model/nww/ YYYYMMDDHH_nww.gem 500
007 x 010 @@@ data/gempak/model/nww/ YYYYMMDDHH_wave@@@.gem 500 007 x 044 @@@ data/gempak/model/nww/ YYYYMMDDHH_ocn.gem 500 007 x 121 @@@ data/gempak/model/nww/ YYYYMMDDHH_wave@@@.gem 500 007 x 122 @@@ data/gempak/model/nww/ YYYYMMDDHH_wave@@@.gem 500 007 x 123 @@@ data/gempak/model/nww/ YYYYMMDDHH_wave@@@.gem 500
  -- with @@@ as: 233, 238, 239, 244
none of which looks like the wam002.gem pattern.

So is this the correct pqact? If so, which of the files is the WAVEWATCH III model?

Thanks, -Neil

On Jan 10, 2010, at 5:25 PM, Neil wrote:

Anyone have a pqact decode entry for the NWW 3 model matching the following datatype.tbl?

NWW3         $MODEL/nww                YYYYMMDDHH_wam002.gem

Neil R. Smith, Comp. Sys. Mngr. neils@xxxxxxxx
Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M Univ. 979/845-6272

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