Re: [ldm-users] noaaport errors - g2var tables

Hello Eric,

I tried sending this to the noaaport@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx list but it gets
returned with an 'Access Denied' message...I've confirmed I can log into
the mailman and view/change my options, so you may want to check that
list to make sure everything is ok there.

Just an FYI for your future reference...the correct address is support-noaaport@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Just a general noaaport question, we have logs containing regular errors
of the type:

Dec 06 04:00:01 host readnoaaport[12209] ERROR: [GB -31] g2varswmo2.tbl
Dec 06 04:00:01 host readnoaaport[12209] ERROR: [GB 1]
Dec 06 04:00:01 host readnoaaport[12207] ERROR: [GB -13]
Dec 06 04:00:01 host readnoaaport[12207] ERROR: [GB -31] g2vars 1.tbl

Yep, I see these quite a bit on my NOAAport stream as well.

I vaguely recall some discussion of this previously regarding the
grib/grib2 definitions in the wmo tables. I would just like to know what
the extent of the 'ERROR' is (if any) and see what could be done to
correct any of this. It seems the last few days have produced more of
these messages than normal.

I was hoping to see a software update for that, including a bugfix where it wouldn't crash the LDM if they sent out weird PID's. I don't know what the status is on that right now, and I'd be curious to know as well.

Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
(My opinions only!)                                                  ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  ***
web:                                      **

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