[ldm-users] FSL2 feed question - here or other list?

I don't know if I'm seeing an anomaly or looking for the wrong thing, but trying to find metar netcdf files in the IDD stream hasn't given me any results. Could I get some help with finding these metar netcdf files?

This is what I've tried (with other variations):

[ldm@ernie ~]$ notifyme -vl- -h idd.unidata.ucar.edu -f FSL2 -p FSL\.CompressedNetCDF\.MADIS\.metar -o 66600 Aug 18 02:28:27 notifyme[3659] NOTE: Starting Up: idd.unidata.ucar.edu: 20090817075827.418 TS_ENDT {{FSL2, "FSL.CompressedNetCDF.MADIS.metar"}} Aug 18 02:28:27 notifyme[3659] NOTE: LDM-5 desired product-class: 20090817075827.418 TS_ENDT {{FSL2, "FSL.CompressedNetCDF.MADIS.metar"}} Aug 18 02:28:27 notifyme[3659] INFO: Resolving idd.unidata.ucar.edu to took 0.006465 seconds
Aug 18 02:28:27 notifyme[3659] NOTE: NOTIFYME(idd.unidata.ucar.edu): OK
Aug 18 02:29:14 notifyme[3659] NOTE: exiting
[ldm@ernie ~]$

Donna Cote
Senior Research Associate
The Academy for Advanced Telecommunications and Learning Technologies
Texas A&M University
3139 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77843-3139
Office: (979) 862-3982
Fax: (979) 862-3983
Cell: (979) 324-3549

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