[ldm-users] tracking LDM health (was: Re: Double level 2 feed again...)

Alan.Hall wrote,
... With that in mind, are all of the servers in the network, including the NWS Regional servers, configured with a large enough queue to handle the increased load. If just one server somewhere in the mix is configured too low, it could cause dropped data, and I have seen this in summers past, but probably not duplicate data.

Wise words. At the Unidata Program Center, we take periodic snapshots of relevant parameters (of which pqmon(1)'s age of the oldest product in the queue is a very important one) and append them to a textual file along with a timestamp. It's then a very simple matter to create time-series plots of the parameters (using gnuplot(1) for example) to determine if our system is configured correctly.

Most LDM sites should do something similar.

Steve Emmerson

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