[ldm-users] 20090624: ldmadmin watch but no data flowing

Hi Andrew,

>I just recently installed ldm-6.7.1 on a Solaris 9 box. Its previous
>installation was ldm-6.0.14.
>The install ran smoothly, but when I perform 'ldmadmin watch', no data
>is flowing.

Upgrading from 6.0.14 to 6.7.1 is a big move as there have been LOTS
of changes since 6.0.14 was released.

The first thing to do is to use the LDM 'notifyme' utility to see if
data is being received on your upstream feeder:

<as 'ldm' on your newly upgraded machine>

notifyme -vl- -f ANY -h your_upstream_feed_host -o 1000000

The next thing I would do is to check to make sure that the clocks on
your and the upstream machines are correct (they all should keep the
clock current by running a properly configured 'ntpd').  If the clock
on your local machine is more than one hour ahead of the clock on your
upstream, your machine would essentially be asking for data that is in
the future.

The last thing I would try is to delete and remake the LDM queue on
your newly upgraded machine:

<as 'ldm'>
ldmadmin stop       <- not needed if the LDM is not running
ldmadmin delqueue
ldmadmin mkqueue
ldmadmin start



>Below is the ldmd.conf and ldmd.log:
># $Id: ldmd.conf,v 1.13 2000/07/05 22:25:05 russ Exp $
># Sample ldmd.conf for ldm5
># This is the main configuration file for the LDM server. All lines that start
># with a "#" sign are comments.
># To debug an LDM that hangs on start up, run the following from LDM home:
># % bin/rpc.ldmd -vl - -q data/ldm.pq etc/ldmd.conf
># If the LDM still hangs, comment out all lines in this file except noted
># allow line entry below, try again.
># Exec Entries
># Programs that can share a queue with rpc.ldmd server, these programs
># are started by the "exec" command and are in the same process group.
>#exec   "pqbinstats"
>exec    "pqact"=20
>exec    "pqact -f ANY /usr/local/ldm/etc/pqact.gempak_decoders"
>#exec   "xcd_run MONITOR"
>#exec   "pqsurf"
># Request Entries
># LDM5 servers request data from Data Sources
>#       request <feedset> <pattern> <hostname pattern>
>#request DDPLUS|IDS|HDS ".*"
>request HDS "(^H.[I-P]... KWBC)|(^[YZ].Q.*/mETA)"
>request DDPLUS|IDS ".*"
># Allow Entries
># Giving permission for a Data Sink to perform a request to your LDM
># allow <feedset> <hostname pattern>
># Giving permission to your own machine and Unidata
># Under no circumstances comment out the next allow entry to localhost
># The LDM will NOT start if the lines are commented out.
>allow   ANY    ^((localhost|loopback)|(127\.0\.0\.1\.?$)|([a-z].*\.unidata\.uc
> ar\.edu\.?$))
>#allow ANY
>allow ANY uwxcom01.univ-wea.com
>allow ANY uwxcom02.univ-wea.com
># Accept Entries
># ACCEPT: Who can feed us, currently this action is ONLY needed for WSI data
># accept <feedset> <pattern> <hostname pattern>
># accept anything from yourself
>#accept ANY ".*" ^((localhost|loopback)|(127\.0\.0\.1\.?$))
># accept from your upstream site
># WSI is using ldm4 protocol so the accept is still required
>#accept WSI .* ^[a-z].*\.uni\.wsicorp\.com$
># End
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002 rpc.ldmd[15779] NOTE: Starting Up (version: 6.7.1; bui
> lt: Jun 24 2009 10:33:48)
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002 rpc.ldmd[15779] NOTE: Using local address
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002[15782] NOTE: Starting Up(6.7.1): 10.144.
> 16.206:388 20090624143800.915 TS_ENDT {{ANY, "/p(N0R|N0Z|N0S|NET|N1P|NTP)(BOX
> EVX)"}}
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002[15782] NOTE: Previous product-informatio
> n file ".d2646e6a71df6bc896cf4232252be3e1.info" doesn't exist
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002 pqact[15781] NOTE: Starting Up
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002 pqact[15781] WARN: No such file or directory
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002 pqact[15781] WARN: stateRead(): Couldn't open "/usr/lo
> cal/ldm/etc/pqact.conf.state"
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002 pqact[15781] WARN: Previous-state information doesn't 
> exist.  Continuing...
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002[15783] NOTE: Starting Up(6.7.1): 10.144.
> 16.206:388 20090624143800.924 TS_ENDT {{HDS,  "(^H.[I-P]... KWBC)|(^[YZ].Q.*/
> mETA)"}}
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002[15783] NOTE: Previous product-informatio
> n file ".2aaaef093808c2ca9e3c113bae033978.info" doesn't exist
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002[15784] NOTE: Starting Up(6.7.1): 10.144.
> 16.206:388 20090624143800.952 TS_ENDT {{IDS|DDPLUS,  ".*"}}
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002[15784] NOTE: Previous product-informatio
> n file ".aeff7d04fdaf3eae560a5d9842e6235d.info" doesn't exist
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002[15782] NOTE: LDM-6 desired product-class
> : 20090624143800.961 TS_ENDT {{ANY,"/p(N0R|N0Z|N0S|NET|N1P|NTP)(BOX|FCX|AKQ|D
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002[15784] NOTE: LDM-6 desired product-class
> : 20090624143800.981 TS_ENDT {{IDS|DDPLUS,  ".*"}}
>Jun 24 15:38:00 uwa0002[15783] NOTE: LDM-6 desired product-class
> : 20090624143800.981 TS_ENDT {{HDS,  "(^H.[I-P]... KWBC)|(^[YZ].Q.*/mETA)"}}
>Jun 24 15:38:01 uwa0002[15782] NOTE: Upstream LDM-6 on 10.144.16
> .206 is willing to be a primary feeder
>Jun 24 15:38:01 uwa0002[15784] NOTE: Upstream LDM-6 on 10.144.16
> .206 is willing to be a primary feeder
>Jun 24 15:38:01 uwa0002[15783] NOTE: Upstream LDM-6 on 10.144.16
> .206 is willing to be a primary feeder
>Jun 24 15:42:42 uwa0002 rpc.ldmd[15779] NOTE: Exiting
>Jun 24 15:42:42 uwa0002 rpc.ldmd[15779] NOTE: Terminating process group
>**Side note:
>This occurs during 'ldmadmin stop':
>/usr/local/ldm/logs% ldmadmin stop
>Flushing the LDM product-queue to disk...
>Stopping the LDM server...
>find: cannot open .*.info: No such file or directory
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>Andrew Little
>Weather Systems Analyst
>Universal Weather & Aviation
>8787 Tallyho Road
>Houston, Texas 77061

* Tom Yoksas                                            UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort)                                 P.O. Box 3000 *
* yoksas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service                            http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*

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