[ldm-users] New to LDM and Conduit

I'm trying to limit our LDM to ingest CONDUIT data from only the Northeastern 
part of the U.S., however I'm not certain what regular expression I should use. 
 I notice the documentation talks about grid numbers, but I can't seem to find 
any documentation on the actual values of these numbers, or what group of  
numbers would be considered the Northeast U.S.

I don't have a strong background in meteorology, so perhaps that's my problem, 
but surely someone has already done this.

I've noticed that some people use the following REQUEST statements in their 
ldmd.conf file:
request CONDUIT     "[09]$"    host.domain.org
request CONDUIT     "[18]$"    host.domain.org
request CONDUIT     "[27]$"    host.domain.org
request CONDUIT     "[36]$"    host.domain.org
request CONDUIT     "[45]$"    host.domain.org

I know this divides CONDUIT into 5 separate data channels, but is this limiting 
CONDUIT to a certain region?   If so, what numbers would I use for the 
Northeast?   Would it even make sense to limit CONDIUT to a region?

I know that conduit contains several products,  and currently we're ingesting 
the GFS set with the following entries is our ldmd.conf file:
REQUEST CONDUIT "MT.gfs_CY.*[05]$" ourprimaryhost.domain.org    PRIMARY
REQUEST CONDUIT "MT.gfs_CY.*[05]$" idd.cise-nsf.gov     ALTERNATE
REQUEST CONDUIT "MT.gfs_CY.*[16]$" ourprimaryhost.domain.org    PRIMARY
REQUEST CONDUIT "MT.gfs_CY.*[16]$" idd.cise-nsf.gov     ALTERNATE
REQUEST CONDUIT "MT.gfs_CY.*[27]$" ourprimaryhost.domain.org    PRIMARY
REQUEST CONDUIT "MT.gfs_CY.*[27]$" idd.cise-nsf.gov     ALTERNATE
REQUEST CONDUIT "MT.gfs_CY.*[38]$" ourprimaryhost.domain.org    PRIMARY
REQUEST CONDUIT "MT.gfs_CY.*[38]$" idd.cise-nsf.gov     ALTERNATE
REQUEST CONDUIT "MT.gfs_CY.*[49]$" ourprimaryhost.domain.org   PRIMARY
REQUEST CONDUIT "MT.gfs_CY.*[49]$" idd.cise-nsf.gov     ALTERNATE

I believe this reduces our CONDUIT ingestion to a global subset, is that right?

I've also noticed that some people use NGRID with GFS, is this necessary, or 
simply a good idea?

I've been bugging the heck out of Unidata Support (Thank you for being patient 
with me Tom Yoksas), and trying to glean hints from the support archives, but I 
think I'm out of ideas.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Samuel M. Zehel Jnr
Applications Programmer I
California University of Pennsylvania
250 University Ave
California PA 15419

Office: Eberly Science 271

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