Re: [ldm-users] Data-Product Metadata

What I found that works for me is:

EXP|SPARE       ^[DWS].{11}_
EXEC /usr/local/ldm/bin/pqcat -O -vl logs/scoop/scoop-ldm.log -p ^[DWS] /dev/null

We are using the EXP feed for our peoject/group where we have pre-defined filename structure. This wouldn't work:
EXP|SPARE       ^[DWS].{11}_
EXEC /usr/local/ldm/bin/pqcat -O -vl logs/scoop/scoop-ldm.log /dev/null

Would your statement, alone, work in the pqact file, I mean, isn't the Feedtype and pattern required?

Thank you,
Donna Cote
Senior Research Associate
The Academy for Advanced Telecommunications and Learning Technologies
Texas A&M University
3139 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77843-3139
Office: (979) 862-3982
Cell: (979) 324-3549
Fax: (979) 862-3983

Steve Emmerson wrote:

A better way to use the "pqcat" utility would be to run it from an EXEC entry in the LDM configuration-file. For example:

    EXEC "pqcat -O -vl pqcat.log /dev/null"

Having it run as a child of the LDM server means that it will receive a CONT signal every time a product is added to the product-queue and so will keep up-to-date. It will also terminate when the LDM system is stopped.

Steve Emmerson

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