I have run across this error before, then found that one of the GEMPAK
links was not right (/home/gempak/NAWIPS/data pointing to /data2 instead
of /usr/local/ldmdata).
Email me off the list if you want me to take a look.
Jeffrey Lake - Admin wrote:
I just started to receive the mesonet and coop feeds from MADIS.
Problem is the sh script they sent me is erroring
below is a snapshot of my log.
Aug 21 20:03:29 cl-t085-410cl pqact[25013] INFO: 5261953
20070821200228.172 FSL2 000
Aug 21 20:03:29 cl-t085-410cl pqact[25013] INFO: pipe:
-close /usr/local/ldm/etc/store_MADIS.sh data/text/LDAD/mesonet/netCDF20070821_1900.gz
Aug 21 20:03:29 cl-t085-410cl pqact[25013] ERROR: pbuf_flush (6)
write: Broken pipe
Aug 21 20:03:29 cl-t085-410cl pqact[25013] ERROR: pipe_put:
write error
Aug 21 20:03:29 cl-t085-410cl pqact[25013] ERROR: pipe_prodput: trying
again: 5261953 20070821200228.172 FSL2 000
Aug 21 20:03:29 cl-t085-410cl pqact[25013] ERROR: pbuf_flush (6)
write: Broken pipe
Aug 21 20:03:29 cl-t085-410cl pqact[25013] ERROR: pipe_put:
write error
Aug 21 20:03:29 cl-t085-410cl pqact[25013] NOTE: child 5532 exited
with status 1
I attempted to use what they supplies me for the pqact.conf entry, and
got errors on that as well ..
anybody got the FSL working correctly ??
-Jeff Lake
Donna Cote
Senior Research Associate
The Academy for Advanced Telecommunications and Learning Technologies
Texas A&M University
3139 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77843-3139
Office: (979) 862-3982
Cell: (979) 324-3549
Fax: (979) 862-3983