Daryl Herzmann wrote:
On Thu, 31 May 2007, Harry Edmon wrote:
I am not seeing this. Are they being filed as 20070631, 20070701, or
20070631 , it is happening here too with LDM 6.6.4 :(
Is there an older version that is working that we can back out to until
the bug is fixed?
^ Pete Pokrandt V 1447 AOSS Bldg 1225 W Dayton St^
^ Systems Programmer V Madison, WI 53706 ^
^ V poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx ^
^ Dept of Atmos & Oceanic Sciences V (608) 262-3086 (Phone/voicemail) ^
^ University of Wisconsin-Madison V (608) 262-0166 (Fax) ^