AH, I am filing using 4 digit years - I bet that is the problem. By the
way, with 6.6.3 I had the problem the other way - the 0000 GMT metars
for the 1st of the month that came in before 0000 GMT were being filed
in the current month instead of the next month (i.e. for this month
they would end up in 20070501 instead of 20070601).
Gilbert Sebenste wrote:
On Thu, 31 May 2007, Harry Edmon wrote:
I am not seeing this. Are they being filed as 20070631, 20070701, or
Harry, et al,
My METARs are being saved like this:
It should be 07053119.sao, of course. So it thinks it is June 31. My
pqact entry for this is:
WMO ^S[AP].... .... ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])
FILE /home/data/rawdata/(\1:yy)(\1:mm)\1\2.sao
Another example, RUC files an hour ahead:
HRS ^[YZ].Q... KWB. ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9]).*/mRUC
FILE hrs/ruc/\2(\1:mm)\1(\1:yy).gbr
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ldm users 3681020 May 31 14:01 18063107.gbr
NEXRAD files an hour ahead with:
NEXRAD ^SDUS5. .... ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-5][0-9]).*/p(N0R)(...)
FILE /home/data/wsr88d/\5/(\1:yy)(\1:mm)\1\2\3.bref1
Again, this is only for LDM 6.6.4. 6.6.3 is not showing this problem.
Gilbert Sebenste
(My opinions only!)
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University
sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ***
web: http://weather.admin.niu.edu **