Re: New LDM server for EMWIN-only feed

On Sun, 29 Apr 2007, Ben Cotton wrote:

Another option would be to parse the product before it gets ingested.  For
every product that goes through, dump the VTEC to a file.  If the VTEC
number matches an already issued one, don't ingest.  If there's no match,
then send it on its way.

Hmmm. For me, that's more trouble than it is worth. On another note, I'd like to inset a master list of METARs under an SAUS80 header for the LDM grabbed externally from the Aviation Weather Center, since I believe they are on the AWIPS wide area network and would still get METARs if NP goes down.

Thanks to user "4dacres", I can use this script to dump to a file, but my pqinsert isn't working. I don't know what to put for "-p". And I want it to come across the IDS|DDPLUS feed as SAUS80 KWBC so that if NOAAport goes down, I'll also have METARs coming into my local McIDAS, GEMPAK, and WXP without changing a thing.

printf "\001\r\r\n000\r\r\n"
printf "SAUS80 KWBC `date +%d%H%M`\r\r\n"
#wget -o /dev/null -O - 
 grep FONT | sed -e 's/<\/FONT>/=/' -e 's/<[^>]*.//g' -e 's/$/\x0D\x0D/'
wget -o /dev/null -O - 
''| grep FONT | 
sed -e 's/<\/FONT>/=/' -e 's/<[^>]*.//g' -e 's/$/\x0D\x0D/'
printf "\r\r\n\003"
pqinsert -q /home/ldm/data/ldm.pq -s 999 -f "IDS|DDPLUS"

Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
(My opinions only!)                                                  ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  ***
web:                                      **

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