ldm-users: Area - GINI Problem... ?

Dear users,
  I'm trying to install thredds to serve some LDM information
from our ldm site (depresion.dgf.uchile.cl / version:6.4.6).
I am not a Thredds expert, but seems to need "gini" format
to serve satellite images. My ldmd.conf file said:
exec    "pqact -f MCIDAS|NIMAGE etc/pqact.gempak_images"

my pqact.gempak_images file said (for example):

MCIDAS  ^pnga2area Q. (UY) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
        PIPE    -close
        pnga2area -vl /home/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log
        -a etc/SATANNOT
        -b etc/SATBAND


I have tried to convert to "gini" with

#area2png -a /home/ldm/etc/SATANNOT -b /home/ldm/etc/SATBAND -lx - -f
test_IR_20070402_1545 test_IR_20070402_1545.png
# more LOG
Apr 05 18:48:34 area2png[22468]: Starting Up
        input AREA size: 4724328
        in GetFileName
        mask: 8
        band: 4
        in GetSatAnnotInfo
        in GetSatBandInfo
        css: 78
        cal: GVAR
        cres: 4km
        in ReplaceToken
        in ReplaceToken
        in ReplaceToken
Apr 05 18:48:34 area2png[22468]: output file pathname:
        memory mapped input file test_IR_20070402_1545
        image shape: 2726 x 1732
        image line length: 1732
        number of bytes to beginning of data: 2816
        number of bytes in comment cards: 80
        number of bytes to beginning of comment cards: 4724248
        deflated length 1908857
Apr 05 18:48:36 area2png[22468]: doPNG::  4724328   1908857  0.40

and then :

#pngg2gini -vxl LOGINI -f test_IR_20070402_1545.png paso/image.gini
#more LOGINI
Apr 05 18:51:22 pngg2gini[22574]: Starting Up
Apr 05 18:51:22 pngg2gini[22574]: WMO Header not supported by pngg2gini:

Does exist a better way to have a format ("gini" ??) that can be serve
by thredds ??  may be an option in pqact.gempak_images ??

Thanks in advance
Rodrigo Sanchez
DGF, U. de Chile

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