ldm 6.5.0 and FILE -log


I am curious about the default(?) behaviour of LDM 6.5.0 writting NOTE: logs to ldmd.log for FILE actions?

Do I need to edit all of my pqact.conf files to add -log options to every FILE action to prevent this from happening?

I also notice that this behaviour is not consistent. Not every FILE action is getting logged. It is like they appear in bunches. One of my machines is going crazy now with logs for FILE actions, while the other is silent, but still FILEing away.

IMHO, this is broken behaviour. pqact shouldn't log FILE messages unless told to do so (-log flag or -USR2 kill signal)

Confused :)

 * Daryl Herzmann, RHCE
 * Program Assistant -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
 * http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu

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