Re: Odd ldm issue on LAN

Make sure the time is correct on the feeding LDM.  If the time is off it
won't feed data. That might be the problem.

Michael Dross                             mdross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Duke Power Company                  Meteorologist/Scientist
9700 David Taylor Dr.               Voice: 704-594-0341
Charlotte, NC 28269                       Mobile: 980-722-0756

                      "Ray Weber"                                               
                      <admin@xxxxxxxx>             To:       
                      Sent by:                     cc:                          
                      owner-ldm-users@unida        Subject:  Odd ldm issue on 
                      07/16/2004 12:02 PM                                       
                      Please respond to                                         

We have an LDM thats long running ingesting fine.

We just replaced a computer on the LAN that gets various products handed
to it by the ingesting LDM. It also runs LDM.

The config has been in place on the ingesting LDM to allow it to get data
for some time.

For some reason, the 2nd new ldm seems to connect to the main ldm, but no
goes to it. ldmadmin watch shows incoming data to the main ldm, but
nothing goes to the 2nd one. I have deleted and recreated the queues on
both systems to no avail. No products seem to flow from the "ingesting"
system to the other one.

This is the config setup:

Ingesting LDM: (ip on LAN)

allow   ANY

ldmadmin watch shows products arriving from my upstream.

Log File showing test connect from LAN machine:

Jul 16 15:55:41 weather spg4(noti)[24753]: Starting Up(6.0.14/5):
TS_ENDT {{ANY,  ".*"}}
Jul 16 15:55:41 weather spg4(noti)[24753]: topo:  spg4 ANY

Other LAN ldm: (IP
/home/ldm:$ notifyme -vl- -h
Jul 16 19:55:28 notifyme[19514]: Starting Up:
20040716195528.239 TS_ENDT
{{ANY,  ".*"}}
Jul 16 19:55:28 notifyme[19514]: Connected to upstream LDM-5
Jul 16 19:55:28 notifyme[19514]: NOTIFYME( OK

no products follow.

/home/ldm:$ ldmping
Jul 16 19:56:24      State    Elapsed Port   Remote_Host           rpc_stat
Jul 16 19:56:24 RESPONDING   0.001754 33284

Any suggestions anyone??

Ray Weber
Ma Skywarn

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