You should be set up for NLDN data change.
> Hello all,
> Well, at least I know what the problem is! :-)
> Yep, weather3 croaked this morning. Oh, I have it limping along to get my
> files off, but the hard drive is toast. is your
> main primary for probably several weeks (giving myself lots of leeway
> here). Thanks for your pateince, and sorry for the inconvenience.
> SUNY/Albany: Could you add an entry so that can get
> lightning data for several weeks? Thanks!
> *******************************************************************************
> Gilbert Sebenste ********
> (My opinions only!) ******
> Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University ****
> E-mail: gilbert@xxxxxxx ***
> web: **
> Work phone: 815-753-5492 *
> *******************************************************************************