NIU about to (temporarily) stop feeding FNEXRAD mosaics

Hello all,

Due to the shear volume of data coming in now, we can no longer relay the 
FNEXRAD radar mosaics. Wish it isn't so...but that will change in 
December, when a new high speed (1-10 GB) Internet II connection comes 
online. Then, I can relay what I want, since it is for 
educational/research purposes! Until then, however, on July 1, I'm going 
to stop receiving FNEXRAD.

Thanks, and I am truly sorry for any inconvenience...I will do al I can to 
assist sites who feed FNEXRAD from me to get the data form another. And, 
after we get on Abilene, I'll be able to feed whatever the heck I want!

Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
(My opinions only!)                                                  ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
E-mail: gilbert@xxxxxxx                                               ***
web:                                      **
Work phone: 815-753-5492                                                *

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