Quick update on weather3.admin.niu.edu...

Weather3 is back up and running, and feeding weather2 at this time.

At this point, I think I have a good idea of what is happening, as well as 
NOT knowing what is happening.

Whenever I set the LDM queue to 400 MB (by default), it doesn't like it. 
Set it under 300 MB...and it is happy.

This is happening on weather2 and weather3, even though they are 
identical but separate machines. With 1.5 GB of RAM and 250 GB disk 
space...hmmm. Weird. Yet, this is not happening on weather, with 80 GB 
disk space and 2 GB RAM. Weather2 and Weather3 have IDE drives; Weather 
has SCSI with a RAID.

You tell me what's wrong. I dunno. In any case, with the lower queue,
weather3 seems to be stable. Let me give it one more day to make sure.
Otherwise, weather2 is humming along fine. Keep feeding from that.

Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
(My opinions only!)                                                  ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
E-mail: gilbert@xxxxxxx                                               ***
web: http://weather.admin.niu.edu                                      **
Work phone: 815-753-5492                                                *

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