Re: NIDS display in general (was RE: 20040505: CRAFT data

Kevin, So this is free for commercial use as well?
This is what is indicated here:

Yet to download the latest version you must register and say that
you aren't using it for commercial purposes.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 3:34 PM
Cc: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; owner-ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;

>The NSSL package that is being sent to the NWSFO's  is WDSS.
>It is an awesome software package that ingest level II Wideband data and
>using it's own
>algorithms to generate and plot TVS,MESO, Hail Size etc.  It tracks storm
>and cross sectional analysis (RHI) and more.
>With new Fair Weather Policy the NWS is about to adopt, we might be able
>to get the code (linux) of WDSS.  That would make Level II worth having.
>Otherwise the best we have to display Level II data is GEMPAK and its very
>limited  with no Attribute decoding/plotting.
>I think we ought to push to get the WDSS software made available to the
>University and Private Sectors.  The would really make the best use of
>Level II data IMHO.
>Michael Dross                             mdross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Duke Power Company                  Meteorologist/Scientist
>9700 David Taylor Dr.               Voice: 704-594-0341
>Charlotte, NC 28269                       Mobile: 980-722-0756


While the NSSL WDSS-II software is fantastic, having the entire package
needed to read radar data.  The A2IO package, that I developed for the
WDSS system, works fine, and is part of the CAPS ARPS, Advanced Regional
Prediction System,, software.  It is a fully
supported interface, and reads 88D data in a variety of formats.

        Kevin W. Thomas
        Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
        University of Oklahoma
        Norman, Oklahoma
        Email:  kwthomas@xxxxxx

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