Re: CRAFT data hardware

>Can some of you that are receiving CRAFT data and using dcnexr2 to decode it
>give me an idea
>of what hardware setup you have (CPUS, disk, RAM) and how many sites you are
>Robert Mullenax


I can't give you specifics on hardware, as I'm not sure what it is except
I know that it is a two cpu Intel system running Linux.  I *think* it has
1gb of memory.  We have *LOTS* of disk space, as that is required for the

It looks like we're up to 125 CRAFT radars, checking over the last month,
though in recent days, we've been getting 123.

Here is the space usage for the first four days of the month.  This is the
actual modified bzip2 compressed data that comes across LDM.

May 1   21.8gb
May 2   17.4gb
May 3   14.0gb
May 4   13.4gb

We don't decompress the data, as it takes too much disk space.  Our algorithms
have data decompression code built.  If you wish to decompress the data before
writing to disk, your space needs will be 10x to 15x more than the above

        Kevin W. Thomas
        Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
        University of Oklahoma
        Norman, Oklahoma
        Email:  kwthomas@xxxxxx

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